Tips and Tricks

From Idling To Rule The Gods

Advanced Functionality [PC] : Right-Click

  • Training and Fighting Tabs -> You can right click on the '+' button to automatically add the respective amounts of clones for each item on each of the respective tabs [ 28 / 34]. This makes it an easy 1-click at the start of your rebirth if you have trainings and / or monsters capped at 1-clone BB.
  • Pets -> You can right click on a pet icon for pets on crafting screen and / or dungeon screen to navigate quickly to that pet's respective pet information page.
  • Clones to use buttons -> You can right click one of the buttons, and it will subtract the respective amount of clones from your current number in the input field. Useful if you want to quickly and roughly adjust your number without manually inputting it to the text box. E.G. Click 100k and right click 10k and you will have 90k clones in your input field.

Advanced Functionality : Left-Click / Tap

  • Creation Tab -> You can click the achievement icon next to any creation, and it will set the required number of creations for that achievement as your next-at for the respective input field.
  • Avatar's Pet -> If you have set a pet for your avatar, you can click on it and you will be taken to the Pets page as an alternative to using the menu at the top of the screen.
  • Avatar's Crystals -> If you have crystals in your slots, they are displayed on your Avatar panel. You can click on any one of these crystals to be taken to the Crystals page.
  • Number of Clones -> You can click on your clones count at the top-left corner of the screen, and it will display a screen showing how many of your clones are assigned to which activities.