
From Idling To Rule The Gods


The Dojo is a Pet Village building which gives permanent bonuses to your pets, mainly benefiting dungeons. Experience gained by pets can be sent to the Dojo, stored there to be spent on upgrades.

To gain access to the Dojo, you must place the building's icon in the Pet Village tab. At this point, three actions become possible:

  • You may assign a Dojo Master. This can be any pet with class level 51 or higher. The Dojo Master increases the rate at which the Dojo accumulates XP, and gains some class level XP for services performed.
  • You may Upgrade the Dojo's level. The Dojo begins at level 0, and may eventually be upgraded to level 11. Upgrades require tier 2 materials (Iron Bar, etc.) and time.
  • You may toggle the "Exp to Dojo" switch on any pet with class level 50 or higher. This will begin the process of accumulating XP within the Dojo.

When a pet has its "Exp to Dojo" switch enabled, all class XP the pet receives, from all sources, will be sent into the Dojo. This includes XP earned in campaigns, dungeons, crafting, RTI, fishing, tavern quests, class XP received for holding an ego sword outside of a dungeon, and class XP assigned from the "Free exp" pool. After a pet reaches the class level cap of 100, any gained class XP after that will automatically be added to the dojo.

Once you have at least 50 million experience in the Dojo itself, you may begin to purchase permanent bonuses.

Warning: Buying your first Dojo permanent bonus will deactivate some of the effects of the Ego Sword (and other tiers of leeching swords). The leeched XP earned by pets outside dungeons and the extra XP generated when multiple Ego Swords are equipped on the same team will no longer work. Ego Swords will continue to steal XP from pets within the same team, but will no longer generate extra XP. So if all six pets on one team have Ego Swords equipped, they will all earn the same amount of XP as if no Ego Swords were equipped. If one pet has an Ego equipped, it will earn 100% of the XP and the other pets on that team will earn zero. This is worth it. Eventually Dojo will allow you to get much more XP than you could by having multiple Ego Swords on the same team and on outside pets.

Dojo Upgrade Cost Table

Upgrade level T2 Materials Time Needed
1 500 Each 1 Hour
2 2,000 Each 6 Hours
3 4,500 Each 12 Hours
4 8,000 Each 18 Hours
5 12,500 Each 24 Hours
6 18,000 Each 30 Hours
7 24,500 Each 36 Hours
8 32,000 Each 42 Hours
9 40,500 Each 48 Hours
10 50,000 Each 54 Hours
11 60,500 Each 60 Hours

Dojo Buffs

A higher level of the dojo unlocks more buffs for your pets. You can spend accrued Dojo XP on these buffs, giving a permanent bonus to your pets. Dojo buffs can be reset similar to Overflow Points and Challenge Points, at the cost of 10% of the overall Dojo XP spent. Resetting purchases will also re-activate the extra XP bonuses from Ego Swords until you buy another Dojo buff.

The following buffs are unlocked depending on your dojo level:

Upgrade Description Base XP Cost Dojo Level Needed
Dojo Master 1 Increases Dojo XP gained by (0.1 * (Master's CL - 50)) NA 0
Dungeon XP Gain Increases XP earned from Dungeons by 1% 2,000,000 1
Other XP Gain Increases XP earned from other jobs (Campaigns, Crafting, RTI, Fishing, etc) by 1% 2,000,000 2
Attack Increases the Attack stat in Dungeons for all pets by 1% 1,000,000 3
HP Increases the HP stat in Dungeons for all pets by 1% 1,000,000 4
Speed Increases the Speed stat in Dungeons for all pets by 1% 1,000,000 5
Speed Damage Increases damage dealt via Speed Damage by 1% 1,500,000 6
Water Increases the base Water element of pets by 1% 2,000,000 7
Fire Increases the base Fire element of pets by 1% 2,000,000 7
Earth Increases the base Earth element of pets by 1% 2,000,000 8
Wind Increases the base Wind element of pets by 1% 2,000,000 8
Physical Stat Increases Physical of all pets by 1% 2,000,000 9
Mystic Stat Increases Mystic of all pets by 1% 2,000,000 9
Battle Stat Increases Battle of all pets by 1% 2,000,000 9
Rebirth Multi Increases the Rebirth Multi that pets give by 1% 2,000,000 10
Dojo Master 2 Increases Dojo XP gained by (0.1 * (Master's CL - 50)) NA 11

Each buff will increase the relevant bonus by 1% per level, with the XP cost for each upgrading scaling by (base cost)*(num bought + 1).

If you have negative Elements, the Element buffs will further decrease the negative Elements since they are multiplying a negative number. This makes it even more important to have positive Elements if going against Neutral-element enemies or enemies with the Element of your deficient areas.


If you're heavily invested in out-of-dungeon Ego Swords for additional XP gain, you may wish to wait until more than the minimum 50M XP has been accumulated in the Dojo before activating any buffs. There is a Dojo Swap Calculator spreadsheet which calculates your break-even point.